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Year Two


Thank you for visiting the Year 2 page here at Stanton Cross Primary. 2024/25 is the first academic year where we will have pupils in Year 2. 
During Year 2, we work hard to become independent learners with a love of learning.  The children will continue to progress in their learning, building on the skills and knowledge that they have learnt in Year 1.  They will develop problem solving skills;, learn to work cooperatively in pairs and small groups; and try their best in everything they do!  As part of being independent learners, children have the opportunity to be a variety of monitors within the classroom.   Each Wednesday, children will be given weekly homework and spellings to complete at home, which will be due back the following Monday.   Those children who need ongoing support in their phonics understanding (and may not have passed the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check) will continue to receive daily phonics sessions.   At the end of the year, our children will complete non-statutory assessments.
Remember: The Year 2 school day is 8.45am- 3:15pm.

Meet the team

In Year 2, we have one class:

  • Dahl


We spend Friday afternoons doing PE and children should come to school in their PE kit on Fridays. PE kits must consists of a white t-shirt, blue shorts or jogging bottoms and suitable footwear such as trainers or plimsolls. They will need to ensure they are not wearing earrings and that long hair is tied up on the designated PE days. This is an important part of our school curriculum and we encourage all children to take part. 


Children are expected to be responsible for bringing in their reading diaries and books when they need to be changed. Reading book change days are on a Monday and Thursday. They will need to hand in their reading records for checking, along with changing books.  We will continue with the 10 minute pledge, where we promise to read 10 minutes to your child every day - with you reading with them for another 10 minutes.   

Spellings and Homework

Spelling words will be sent out each Friday. Please help your child to learn to spell these words. They will be tested on these words every Wednesday. Homework will be handed out on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday.

Year 2a