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Free School Meals

All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals.  This includes a hot meal or a school packed lunch.  Stanton Cross Primary School use Dolce as our school meal providers.  
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You may be entitled to financial support with your child's education and this includes free school meals when they move into Key Stage 2.  To find out if you are eligible for financial support and whether you can apply for free school meals please speak to our Inclusion Lead for more information.


Hot Meals

Dolce provides a choice of main meals, at least one of which is vegetarian and a selection of salads and fresh vegetables. The choice of dessert includes a hot pudding, fresh fruit and a variety of cold desserts. Please advise the School Office of any specific dietary needs or allergies.


Packed Lunches

If you choose, you can send in a packed lunch from home. Parents are requested to send packed lunches in strong plastic containers labelled with the child's name. For drinks, please use a watertight container. No fizzy drinks, thermos flasks or glass bottles please!

We are a Health Promoting School and recognise the importance of a healthy nutritious diet. For this reason we encourage parents not to provide chocolate bars and crisps in packed lunches but consider fresh fruit and yoghurt as a healthy alternative. At break time, free fruit is provided for all pupils in Key Stage 1. 

Home Lunch

If you wish your child to come home for lunch on their own, it is essential that you send a letter in to the school office. We cannot allow children off the school premises on their own without permission from their parents.