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Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club

A breakfast club for school age children is run by Crazy 4 Kids, which is the nursery provision on our school site.
The breakfast club opens for breakfast at 7.45am every morning and the children are treated to a choice of breakfasts, all of which are picked for their nutritional content. The food served includes wholegrain cereals without added salt and sugar, fruit and yoghurt, and a hot option in winter. Healthy drinks are also provided.  While sitting together to eat, the children chat and learn to share and to co-operate with each other.  Children are encouraged to take an active part in the club, helping with the tiding up and the clearing away.  All children receive a healthy breakfast in a safe environment before the school day begins.
A full range of games, practical craft activities, puzzles and social chat engages the children fully in this very popular before school club.  Please speak with Crazy 4 Kids directly in regard to costing of sessions each day.   
At 8.30am, a member of staff at Crazy4kids will bring the children on to the playground and help them to line up with their specific class. 

After school Club

The after-school run is also operated by Crazy 4 Kids and runs from 3.15-6.00pm each day.  

Providing a 'home from home' environment for our school children focussing on 'free' choice and independence. A wide range of activities including, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, construction, puzzles, team games, and local park visits, etc are all carried out by the club. 
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign your child up for a place and for more details.
Crazy 4 Kids also runs holiday club. Please enquire with either them or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  further information about the holiday clubs.