Our reading curriculum aims to promote and attain the highest standards of reading whilst equipping the children with a love of literature which they carry with them for life. We aim for our children to become readers with agency and foster a life-long appreciation for reading.
We intend for our children to become fluent, confident readers who understand the importance of reading. They will read a rich variety of fiction and non-fiction literature ranging from: graphic novels, classic texts and magazines to comics, poems and modern stories. An enjoyment of reading is at the heart of the curriculum and through this, children will be avid readers that choose to choose to both read to learn and to read for pleasure.
All children will have participated in a variety of quality book related experiences and have acquired the linguistic skills in order to discuss, evaluate, reflect, compare, critique and engage in dialogic talk about a wide range of literature in order to form an opinion.
At Stanton Cross Primary School, we teach Reading along with Book Talk as a process to teach comprehension and further develop children’s reading fluency.
The strategies that teachers explicitly teach through the Reading process are linked to the reading content domains.
Content domain reference
draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts
identify / explain key aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information
identify and explain the sequence of events in texts
make inferences from the text
predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far
1. Self-monitoring (inner voice asking: ‘Does that make sense?’)
2. Predict
3. Locate and link (retrieval)
4. Use the structure of the text
5. Draw on prior knowledge
6. Imagine (visualize)
7. Question
8. Clarify
9. Summarise
10. Compare
As children move towards Key Stage 2, increased emphasis is placed on modelling written responses as well as oral responses and children will become more familiar with the test-type questions through carefully selected sentence stems from the content domains.
1a: Draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts:
1e: Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far:
1c: Identify and explain the sequence of events in texts:
1d: Make inferences from the text:
1b: Identify and explain key aspects of fiction and nonfiction texts, such as characters, events, titles and information: