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At Stanton Cross Primary School we believe that excellent attendance and punctuality leads to better outcomes for pupils.

Attendance TargetEach week, in our Friday celebration assembly, class attendance figures will be shared so that our children can see how well their class is doing.  These figures will also be published on their classroom doors.  The children are excited to find out how well their class does each week!

Every school day counts

Being at school, on time, every day is vitally important for your child's education and social development.  Children who have lots of time off school struggle academically and find it hard to build relationships with the other children.  Like you, we want the best for our pupils and that is why we expect good attendance at school - we define good attendance as 95% and above. 
Every Day Counts
You can really help us provide the best for our children by following our school absence procedures (below) and by:
  • Only allowing your child to be absent from school due to exceptional circumstances. 
  • Communicating with us, so we can support your child as much as possible.
Please do refer to our 'Attendance Policy' below for further details.
Pupil absence is monitored weekly and we will write to you if your child's attendance is a cause for concern.  We use a traffic light rating system for attendance and we will use this rating system in our correspondence with you.


When children are late, it disrupts their morning routine and some of them find it unsettling, which can have a huge impact on the rest of their day. 
  • Your child can enter school from 8:40am to be ready for registration at 8:50am.
  • Please note, if your child arrives after 8:50am, the entrance door will be closed (for safeguarding purposes) and they will have to enter via the school office.  They will be marked as late in the register.
  • If your child arrives after registration has closed (i.e. after 9:15am) this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.     

Absences from school are only authorised in exceptional circumstances. 

If your child will be absent because of a medical appointment, please inform the office prior to the appointment.  You need to complete a leave of absence request form if your child is going to be absent.  Paper copies of the form are available from the school office. Once your request has been submitted, the Attendance Officer will classify the absence as 'authorised' or 'unauthorised' and this will be recorded on your child's registration certificate.  

If your child is unwell and cannot attend school, you must inform the school office as soon as possible.   Please inform us of any absence by 8.30am on the first day of absence (and on each day of absence, unless otherwise agreed) by telephoning the school office on 01933 594049.  When leaving your message please ensure you include your child’s name, class and reason for the absence.
We do worry if a child does not arrive at school and will always take steps to make sure they are safe and well and will carry out Home Visits if we feel there is a need (i.e: we cannot contact you).

Attendance Below 95%

This is the procedure we follow when your child's attendance falls below 95%:
Step 1: Parents/Carers made aware of attendance concerns.
  • Attendance shows no sign of improvement and remains below 95%.
Step 2: Parents/Carers invited to a meeting at School with the Head Teacher and/or Attendance Officer to discuss any barriers and discuss support needed.
  • Attendance continues to be a concern with no significant improvement.
Step 3: Parents/Carers requested to attend School Attendance Meeting to agree and sign an action plan.
Step 4: Attendance fails to significantly improve. Legal intervention considered.

Owing to changes in Government legislation, schools are no longer able to authorise absence for family holidays. Holidays should be taken during the school holiday period only and not in school time.   Term time holidays will not be authorised.  Recent guidance states that parents will be fined if their child is absent for 5 consecutive days.  Please be aware that if you decide to take your child on holiday during term time you may be subject to a fine from the Northamptonshire County Council Education Entitlement Services team.  Please see the 'Term Dates' page in the section of this website for a list of term dates.   

Documents for this area are under development and will be displayed when available.