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Year One


Year 1 is an exciting year for children as they embark on their transition from EYFS, continuous provision to more formal, whole-class teaching as the year goes on.  Our curriculum and its delivery caters to our children's natural curiosity, enthusiasm and energy. We aim for a "hands on" approach to learning, offering many practical and multi-sensory opportunities to bring learning to life. Phonics is a priority in Year 1 as we build upon the children's EYFS knowledge to cover the final phonics phase. Through mastering phonics, children can unlock the "reading code" and are equipped for their entire academic journey! Children learn an incredible amount in Year 1 and have a lot of fun along the way!
Remember: The Year 1 school day is 8.45-3.15pm.

Meet the team

In Year 1 we have two classes:
  • Jeffers
  • Morpurgo 


PE will be on the following days for the different classes:
Jeffers Class: Monday and Tuesday
Morpurgo Class: Tuesday and Thursday
Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on PE days as they will not be getting changed prior to the lesson.  This is an important part of our school curriculum and we encourage all children to take part. PE kits must consists of a white t-shirt and blue shorts or jogging bottoms. Children must wear suitable footwear such as trainers or plimsolls. Children must not wear any earrings or jewellery on PE days. This is for health and safety reasons. Staff are not allowed to remove earrings so we ask that they are not worn to school at all on PE days.


We ask that children bring in their reading diaries and books on Wednesdays every week. We will then send them home with a new reading book every Friday.  We will continue with the 10 minute pledge, where we promise to read 10 minutes to your child every day - with you reading with them for another 10 minutes at some point through the day. 

Spellings and Homework

The high-frequency spelling words will be sent out each Friday. Please help your child to learn to spell these words. They will be tested on these words every Wednesday. Homework will be handed out on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. 

The Year 1 Team look forward to working with you all this year. We have an exciting year planned for the children in our care and we can not wait to get started.
Kind regards
The Year 1 Team
Year 1a


Year 1b

Year 1c
Year 1d