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EYFS Reception

We are delighted that your child will be joining us in September, we hope they are looking forward to starting school and making new friends.   Below is a link to the welcome pack that you should have received when you joined our school.

Starting school should be a happy and exciting time for both you and your child. We know you may have lots of questions and hope that the information within the welcome pack, and on our website, will begin to answer some of them.    At Stanton Cross, we want every child and adult to feel happy, safe and secure.   Our fantastic EYFS team have been busy planning for your child’s start to Stanton Cross to ensure it is a positive and enjoyable experience. 

Ready for School

The start of a new school term is always exciting but when it's the transition into “big school” it can feel a little daunting. Please see below resources to help you and your child prepare for this new adventure.
We have two classes in Reception. One will be taught by Mrs Griffin, and the other will be taught by Miss Marks.  We have Mrs Hinds and Mrs Smith also supporting us in these classes.
Remember: The EYFS school day is from 8:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Tapestry - Your online learning journal 

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In reception, we believe that creating strong links between home and school is essential for our children’s educational experience. Staff use an observational tool called Tapestry to share purposeful and significant learning experiences with families. Families are also encouraged to share experiences that the children have outside of school which can be shared and celebrated with the other children and staff. You can access Tapestry by clicking on the above logo or visiting,
What is Tapestry?
Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This system allows us to work with parents and carers to share information and record the children’s play and learning in and outside of the classroom.
How does Tapestry work?
Tapestry provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are  given their own log-in using their email – you should receive an email link and using this you can set your own password.  All of our staff are given a secure log-in. They can then upload observations, photos or videos; recording children’s achievements and assessing their learning in reference to the EYFS curriculum. Parents can change their settings so that an email is then automatically generated, informing them when an observation has been added so they can have a look and add any comments of their own.  To access the settings, please visit the website.  We have uploaded a useful parents' guide in the sidebar.

Important updates for parents

PE: PE will be on a Wednesday and a Friday for both Classes.  Please ensure that you wear your PE kit to school every Wednesday and Friday.  We will not be getting changed prior to the lesson. Children must not wear any earrings or jewellery on PE days.  This is an important part of our school curriculum, and we encourage all children to take part.  Appropriate PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, blue shorts or jogging bottoms and suitable footwear such as trainers or plimsolls.

Forest school: Forest school will be on-going throughout the school week and so please make sure that your child has a named pair of wellies left in school during term time. Children will be out in all weathers and we have weatherproof onesies for all the children to wear whilst we are out and about exploring. 
Reading: Children are expected to be responsible for bringing in their reading diaries and books when they need to be changed.  They will need to hand in their reading records for checking on a Friday, along with changing books.  We will continue with the 10 minute pledge, where we promise to read 10 minutes to your child every day - with you reading with them for another 10 minutes.

Implementation of Values and Virtues

Our values and virtues will be introduced to the children on a half termly basis, in the autumn term, we will explore responsibility and honesty.  In the spring, respect and ambition and in the summer curiosity and gratitude.

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